I have to go (in study hall bell just rung) But before i do let me just say that this is one of the few games i actually finished for the DS.

Thats only because im more used to using the buttons but when it comes to battle its best to use the syalus. I found myself going back and fourth between the styles and the buttons. The intier game can be played using the touch screen. The only down side is that when you try and use items it takes a few seconds to find everything and you feel rushed if you are in a boss battle. A example if you use the combo of chrono adn lucca chrono runs up to the enemy and starts spinning his sword around (a move he can already do) But lucca uses her flame thrower and ignits the sword on fire and does burn damage to the enemy. He always seems to be able to attack quicker then any of your allies and you can use combo attacks with your allies. You can have up to 3 allys including chrono who can not be changed out. When your opponent attacks the bar stops and you have to wait for them to finish. (OMG THIS IS GROUND BREAKING STUFF) Yes its not turn base suprisingly. There is a little bar and you ahve to wait for it to fill up to attack. If you ahve ever played Final Fantasy 10-2 you might know how this works better then i can explain it. The combat mechanics are actually very cool and work very very well. Here you are intoduced to the combat mechanics. You find yourself back in the at the exact same spot you were before. The princess wants to try it anfter you and from what i understood her amulet reacted to the teleporter and teleported hero into the past. (Again OMG NO WAY) After you meet up with her you meet one of your friends who is working on a teleporter. After you start your journey with chronos you meet up with a princess that disguised as a normal person to blend in and excape the castle. and a snes but ya this game is abosulty fantastic. And i wish i hunted down a copy of it for the snes. When i heard of the DS remake i just had to get it. I never played the originol Chrono Trigger but i have always heard about how awesome it was. Chrono Trigger is a remake of a snes game and back then this was ground breaking stuff. Chrono trigger takes place in a alternative universe (OMG NO WAY!) Your main character is chrono, from what i see he is a teenage hero who has to save the worldd (OMG NO WAY) originol right? well actually it is. but thats not the case with chrono trigger. Its either the story starts to waver or you get lost and have no idea were your going. Chrono trigger takes place in a alternative universe (OMG NO WAY!) Your main character is chrono, from what i see he is a teenage hero who has to I try and like RPG's i really do, but most of the time i get bored with them a few days after i get this. I try and like RPG's i really do, but most of the time i get bored with them a few days after i get this.